Painting glassware is a fun hobby, however, keeping your paint from peeling off glass is not. Detailing and decorating glass with acrylic paint looks visually and aesthetically appealing. However, the relationship between both glass and paint is rather the opposite!

After you have used the items that you have painted a few times, you may begin to notice the paint starting to peel off and chip away. There is nothing more heartbreaking than watching something you have lovingly created destroying itself. Especially when it can be so easily prevented so here is how to prevent your paint from peeling off the glass.

How To Stop Acrylic Paint From Peeling Off Glass

To give your handy work the best chance of survival there are a few things to consider.

Before you start painting the glass, you need to prepare the surface by wiping the glass down and using a primer. This is because glass is not the easiest surface to paint. Any dirt or fingerprints on the glass can make it even more of a challenge.

Wipe the glass down with a clean cloth to remove anything that could interfere with the adhesion and life of the paint. Once completed prime the glass and leave to dry for at least an hour before you begin painting the glass. This greatly increases durability and provides additional protection.

After you have applied your paint in the desired areas, leave it to dry for at least 24 hours for curing. Having completed your masterpiece, it is vital to use a sealant. This is to ensure your paint stays attached in place and does not chip, peel, or fade.

Matte, Satin, Or Gloss? The Big Question

Sealants come in a variety of different finishes – matte, satin, and gloss. The main difference between them all is the level of shine Matte is a low-sheen finish. Whereas gloss is a high sheen shiny finish, satin is somewhere between the two.

When it comes to sealing paint on glass, you are much better off using a glass paint sealer with a glossy finish rather than a matte finish. However, this depends on what your desired finish is. Sealants with a gloss finish can bring the glassware to life and are great at stopping paint from peeling off the glass.

Whereas sealants with a matte finish can make the color look dull, dated, and old. A matte finish works well when using paints such as chalk paint. Items with a gloss finish are also a lot easier to keep clean than a matte finish yet they require more maintenance and upkeep.

How To Apply Sealant Onto Glass

You can either spray or paint the sealant onto the glass, it is a matter of personal preference. Spray on sealant is quicker and easier to use. However, it can cause drips of sealant to form. Painting on the sealant gives you more control and allows you to be gentle on the areas that you have painted.

  1. Spraying the sealant – Using a gloss spray, gently spray the glass surface from a distance of approximately 12 inches. Do not do it to close or it will pool together! If required, you can do an extra coat or even a third. However, leave one coat to dry for around 20-30 minutes before the next coat.
  2. Painting the sealant on – A good example of a paint-on sealant is mod podge. Mod podge can be used on a variety of surfaces, including wood, metal, and of course glass. It is available in different finishes matte, satin, or gloss. However, as mentioned previously, a gloss finish is more recommended than the others for using on the glass.
  3. Once your paint is dry, take a clean paintbrush and brush on the sealant all over your glass object/surface. Again, make sure to leave the sealant to dry for around 20-30 minutes before you start the next coat.
  4. After the sealant is fully dry, you can enjoy your handy work to your heart’s content knowing you have lengthened its lifespan. However, although applying primer and sealant to your glass object can help keep your paint from peeling off the glass, it will not last forever.

Keeping your Painted Glass Clean

Your glassware will need regular maintenance and upkeep such as washing and occasionally an extra lick of paint. You should avoid washing your work in extremely hot water or in a dishwasher. When cleaning wash by hand with lukewarm water and soap.

    1. There are a lot of great glass primers to choose from. Kilz and Rust-Olem primers are both good options. As for sealants, Mod-Podge is a reliable choice. We like gel mediums, however, they’re best used mixed into different types of paint to alter texture and finish. If you want an alternative to Mod-Podge in gel medium form, the Golden version is great. You can also opt for a different sealant such as those by Golden and Liquitex.

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