Sustainable swaps for your kitchen are very popular right now. People are caring more about their impact on the environment. The kitchen is one place you can swap your usual items out for things that are better for the planet. We’ve already got articles on other eco-friendly ways of changing your habits, such as regrowing vegetables and using vinegar in your laundry. Swapping things out for sustainable options in your kitchen is another great idea!

This article takes you through the top 5 things I have swapped in my kitchen to have an impact on the environment. They’re typically inexpensive but can have a huge impact on the world around you. I’ve broken it down into cleaning and cooking so it’s easy to pick the type of swaps you want to make.

Sustainable Swaps For Cleaning

First up is sustainable swaps for cleaning. This is the easiest area to make swaps in, as they are often very inexpensive compared to standard cleaning products if you know where to look.

1. Castile Soap

We’ve already got a whole article on the wonders of castile soap, so it’s no surprise I’d recommend it here. Castile soap (or any other natural soap) is a great eco-friendly choice for cleaning. You can use it on dishes, floors, worktops, windows, and even skin. It can even be made in liquid form at home. It’s created from all-natural ingredients so it’s less harmful to local water supplies than chemical detergent. It’s even safe to use on pets.

2. Reusable Rags Are A Great Sustainable Swap

Second, reusable rags are great for the kitchen! Stop buying those throwaway cloths and sponges, and invest in some good-quality reusable items instead. Swedish dishcloths are really popular right now, but there are plenty of other options. You can even simply use old t-shirts or other clothing cut-up for worktop and window cleaning. This is one way to cut your household bills and save the environment at the same time!

Swap disposable towels for reusable rags.

3. Natural Diswasher Detergent

Plenty of companies are now coming up with more environmentally friendly alternatives to common household products. Dishwasher detergent is no exception. Shop around for natural ingredient-based tablets that don’t come covered in plastic. You can also use our favorite product, castile soap, instead of expensive tablets. It’s a simple sustainable swap that can make a huge difference.

Cooking Using Sustainable Swaps

Moving on from cleaning, there are some great sustainable swaps you can make for cooking and food prep.

4. Reusable Food Storage

This might seem obvious, but you’d be surprised how many Americans use disposable food containers instead of reusable ones. Not only are they usually plastic and therefore don’t decompose in landfill sites, but there are also concerns over the impact of plastic containers on our health. You can switch out plastic containers for glass, but there are also great bamboo and wooden alternatives too. Mason jars are super useful for storing liquids, sauces, preserves, and grains. They keep food fresher and last a lot longer than the plastic options.

Reusable food storage is a great way to make a sustainable swap. And it looks good, too!

5. Beeswax Wrap – A Useful Sustainable Swap

Finally, plastic food wrap can be a thing of the past thanks to the popularity of beeswax wrap. This reusable food wrap is made from sheets of cloth dipped in wax to give it waterproof qualities. It’s great for keeping food fresh. Whilst buying beeswax wrap might at first be expensive, it pays off in the long term as it outlasts disposable plastic wrap by a long way. If you want to, you can even try making beeswax wrap yourself at home!


So, there are plenty of sustainable swaps you can make to transform your kitchen into a more eco-friendly space. There are plenty of other options than just those listed here, of course. These are simply the swaps that I’ve made that have been easy and made a difference to my kitchen use. Try some out for yourself!

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