Pond decking isn’t a very well-known concept. However, it’s safe to say it’s becoming more popular this summer. A backyard pond is a great feature in itself, but adding pond decking just makes it that bit more unique. We’ve previously covered how to decorate your deck with style, but this is the first article about pond decking we’ve given you.

So, it might be the new thing, but what exactly is pond decking?

What Is Pond Decking?

Well, in short, pond decking is an effective way to enhance your pond’s aesthetic and it’s pretty cheap too. It is, quite literally, decking places around or over your pond. Think of something similar to the decks you see at lakes, but likely a bit smaller.

Pond decking is like a lake deck, but usually smaller!

Most people use wood decking, but it depends on what style or aesthetic you wish to achieve. Some prefer stone slabs or even composite decking, as this is more unique than standard wooden decking.

That said, the effectiveness of a pond deck depends on what you do with it and how you decorate it. So, to make sure your pond deck looks the best it can, below is the top 5 pond deck ideas for your garden pond this summer. As well as that, we’ve included a brief section on how to build your own pond deck too!

How Do You Build Pond Decking?

Well, pond decks can come in a few different ways and it depends on what you want to build. Most of you will have small or medium garden ponds for which you’ll just need some small decking. However, you might have a large backyard pond, in which case you’ll need a fishing deck instead.

You’ll need some woodworking tools, a work area, and some safety equipment to get started.

Garden Pond Decking

For a standard garden pond, simply dig 1ft x 1ft around the perimeter of your pond and smooth it out. After that, you will need the foundation for your decking, which can be made from 2”x 2” lumber. Simply build a basic rectangular frame that is 1ft high and that fits in the hole around your pond.

Once done, simply put a few inches of sand in the bottom to hold the frame upright and in place. Fill the remainder of the hole with gravel up to the top so that it is held in place. You now have a foundation to lay decking panels on, so just secure your decking down with screws and glue!

Fishing Pond Decking

Next up is a fishing deck, which is most commonly built for large ponds or backyard ponds, or even lakes! This is a much bigger job, but the basic principles still apply.

Since this deck will be built out on the pond itself and not around, it needs a bit more support. As with the garden pond, start by digging a 1ft deep hole in the space you wish to put your decking. Build a basic frame to fit within this hole and hold it in place using gravel.

However, after this, you’ll need some wooden supports in the pond itself to extend the decking onto the water. Simply use 2”x 2” support beams, measured using the depth of the water, and secure firmly into the ground. Make this into a separate unit and attach it to the main foundation on land as seen below.

A fishing pond deck is for bigger ponds and lakes. It looks like the diagram shown above.

There are some in-depth guides on how to do this, but generally speaking, it isn’t actually all that difficult. I’ve seen quite a few big deck builds, which are obviously complicated, but simple decks are pretty straightforward. Have a think as to what deck might suit you best!

Now you have an idea of how to build these decks, let’s move onto how to make them look good.

5 Ideas To Enhance Your Pond Decking

Flowering Plants

When it comes to effective outdoor decoration, flowers and plants are always a safe method. On top of this, plants come in different shapes and sizes, so it doesn’t matter whether you have a big or small deck either. You can choose what’s right for you and what looks best on your pond deck.

Outdoor plants are obviously a must, so make sure to check which are suitable before planting. As well as this, leafy plants don’t look as good as flowering plants, especially since flowering plants add more color. This is up to you, but for aesthetic purposes, flowering plants will take you a long way.  You can get some wonderful flowering ground cover plants to go around the edges of your deck too.

Colorful, flowering plants are a beautiful deck addition!

For your flowers, a small planter or hanging baskets that fit on your deck will be most effective. We suggest using smaller plants to keep it minimal, but this is up to you. Try not to cram too much onto the deck either, as this will quickly lead to your deck looking overloaded.  


Once again, another great decorating trick Is the use of some fancy lighting. I talked about using effective lighting on outdoor decks recently, and the same applies to pond decks. Standard LED lighting is great, but mood lighting or solar fairy lights would really enhance your pond aesthetic.

You could hang lights around your garden and have your pond deck intercept them, depending on your garden’s style. If not, the most effective way to use lights on a pond deck is to integrate them into your plants. This brings the plants into the spotlight more whilst also brightening up your garden.  

Rock Or Stone Features

Any garden could always benefit from stone features, and I personally love them for enhancing garden aesthetics. There are many effective rock features your garden can benefit from, and the same goes for your pond deck. These would typically be smaller rock features so you don’t overload it, but it depends on the available space.

I suggest using a few different sized rocks to go around the edges of your pond deck, keeping it simple. If you wish, you could make a small fountain using a water sprinkler and rocks. This could use the water from the pond, and it could also be solar-powered too. You could also use some stone statues or pots to add to the space, which I’ll discuss next.

Ornaments And Statues

Plenty of gardens have the odd ornament or two in them, but sometimes they can be ineffective if placed wrong. A pond deck would be a perfect place for some small ornaments, such as gnomes or statues, to show them off. I suggest blending them in with any plants or flowers, as this makes them more subtle but keeps them noticeable.

Ornaments, like statues, can really add character to your deck and garden as a whole.

If you have larger ornaments, try placing just one on the pond deck and surrounding it with flowers instead. You could always wrap lights around here too, but if not, it will still stand out nicely as it is. This would work with either large or small pond decks, as ornaments blend it nicely in both.


To really add to the decorative aspect of your pond, a birdbath is a perfect option for you. Flowers, stone features and lighting are great, but this is a more unique way to spice up your pond deck. You could build your own birdbath, but a stone or marble birdbath look the best. They are also great for the local wildlife, as they provide water for birds in Autumn and Winter.

To effectively use a birdbath, I suggest placing it in the middle or to the side of your deck alongside flowers. I wouldn’t suggest lighting, as water could get on it, but also it doesn’t need it. Surrounding a birdbath with flowers and keeping it central really goes a long way. You could even add some small ornaments onto the sides of the bath… it’s up to you!

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